As Ovation rebuilds, it's time to show the recovery areas that have been completed: 1. All dune crossovers are rebuilt and operational. Missing gate on south crossover has been replaced. 2. Tennis court fences are repaired and repainted. Court is being used and wind screens have been re-installed. 3. New entry and pedestrian gates and fencing are installed and are operational. 4. Repairs are complete on roads, walks, bay beach pavers, and fire pit. 5. Gulf pool and restrooms are fully functional. FL Health Permits are in place. 6. Much of the dead landscaping and trees have been removed. The lawn and turf have responded to after-storm treatment and are in good shape. 7. Irrigation controllers and storm damaged pumps have been replaced and all irrigation zones are operating. 8. Our landscape materials were installed in September. The price of pine straw immediately after the storm was at a premium, so we addressed other more important issues before completing this step. 9. A new bench seat was installed on the north pier to replace the one lost to the storm surge. 10. The work on the Bay Clubhouse is finished and the pool/spa are available. We have a few items to be completed such as the cleaning of the floor in the exercise room, but we are almost finished. Grounds clean-up and landscaping will be next.